Sunday, April 6, 2014

What He really wants to hear

Last week I posted a long, detailed article about talking to your spouse, or anybody.  The main point was that instead of going on and on about the details, or getting defensive and blaming, we simply tell the other person how we feel.  This can be very freeing, but it takes courage to be vulnerable.  With practice, we learn to express ourselves better and truly strengthen our relationships.

But all of that can be found on the internet or from your local psychologist.  My lightbulb moment had to do with taking this a step further. 

I've been a Christian most of my life.  It's been a crazy journey, this walk of faith.  (More on that later.  Much more.)  But you'd think by now I'd know how to pray.  And I do, of course.  I can clearly recount times in my life when I've heard Jesus speak to my heart.  I've journaled my prayers, spoken them aloud, used the Adore-Confess-Thank-Supplicate method, and read books on prayer. Yet recently, I've been awakened to a new way to pray.  He whispered:
 Just tell me how you feel.  Unburden your heart.

I don't need to pray every night for my children's future;  I need to tell God how I feel about their future and surrender it to Him.

I don't need to recite long lists of requests; I need to tell Him how heavy my heart is when I hear all the stories.

I don't need to pretend that I'm ready to adore, confess, and thank; I need to tell Him how tired I am, how stuck or defeated or burdened I feel, and simply ask for His help.

The words of Isaiah come to mind:  "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me" (Isaiah 29:13). 

How many times have I come near to God--so near--with my mouth and honored Him with my lips, but my heart has been closed? 

I am convinced that the Lord doesn't want us to be anyone but ourselves in His presence.  Does this show Him disrespect?  I think not.  We are called to trust and obey, but not to be fake. 

Will you give this a try sometime this week?  Find a quiet moment and just tell God what's on your mind--what you're worried about, frustrated with or even excited about.  Take the knowledge that He knows all about you and allow His love to be a balm to your soul.  I'd love to hear your stories!

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